338. Expiration date, Subscription Information ,You have x paid subscription days on the books.

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When you select your job publication Expiration Date you should also look to see if you have enough Subscription days to cover your job posting. 

If you need additional publishing or candidate recruitment time you can add subscription time in increments of Weeks, Months and up to One Year prepaid. 

You can check your subscription days during your posting process under the "Subscription Information" link or from your profile "Settings" tab which will display the amount of subscription days you have remaining.

Your subscription entitles you to:

  • Unlimited job announcements.
  • Update and change job information at anytime.
  • Start and stop job hiring campaigns as often as you would like.
  • Download any number of candidate resumes online.
  • Contact any number of candidates by email, message or phone.
  • Company page with additional hiring information.

When you see "22 days remaining on the books." it means you have 22 days remaining on your subscription.

If that number matches the length of time your job hiring campaign will run then you're set. 

If not, you may need to add additional time. 

Be sure not to delay your posts by not having your subscription days match your required job publishing days. 

To make a payment you can access the payment links from your Profile > Settings > Payment Options tab or by following this this Subscription link. 

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