12. How do I post jobs?
Create your membership by selecting employer or staffing.
When you sign in you should see a link to your main account page. (Start Here >> Account)
Near the top there is also a My Posts” link that will take you to the posting page.
The My Posts page has 4 tabs.
- Add Job Announcement
- Upload Documents
- Profile Picture
- Manage and Edit Posts.
Start with the first tab Add Job Announcement” button is in that section.
If you have a company logo about 220px wide you can use the Profile Picture upload.
If you have any documents you need to share you can upload them as well here.
Posting your job announcement takes only a few short minutes if you have everything ready to go.
Follow the video to learn what is needed to complete your job post at MnWorks.Net.
Text version:
- Sign in / Logon
- Go to your Profile or Account Page.
- Click on "My Postings"
- Click the Post button.
- Complete all form fields.
- Submit the form.
- Verify that you see the 100% complete or click back and add missing information.
- Click the "My Posting" link then "View, Edit, Delete" button to make changes.
The video is 4:53 minutes which includes the sign on process.
Typical posting time if you are prepared and ready to type your post is about 4 minutes.
Basically no time at all comparing to the typical interview time.
Note: In the video it shows a gif image being uploaded for the company logo.
The actual method would be to use a jpg image file named as your account number and or first name.