Job Seeker Employer Recruiter Visitor

Get Started

1 Register for your MnWorks.Net account.

2 Sign in and follow the "My Post" or "My Account" link.

"We send out email reminders to keep you on track and focused."

Job Seeker Employer Recruiter Visitor

Getting Started as a Job Seeker

Now that you have created your account and you have successfully signed in to MnWorks.Net your next step is to post your work experience.
Every post is reviewed to make sure your post is productive. To understand what to post first you should ask yourself the following question

"What training, work experience or skillset do I have that would help me find and land the job I would like to have?"

We have a search and match feature that is displayed in your work experience profile using our job aggregate apps built custom for MnWorks.Net members.
When you sign in and visit your Work Experience post our app will search hundreds and even thousands of job posts from other sites and display them in your Work Experience page.
If you see jobs associated with your work experience then you know your keywords are working. If not, it is time to review your wording and words to make searches.
We use this app to tweak our posts and to help you find jobs that you might have missed. You are encouraged to use as many online job boards and job sites as you can. Here at MnWorks.Net our goal is to help you search smarter and post better than any other person. This could be the difference between being found and being lost in the word search for jobs realm.

We often select our work based on our experience and levels of experience. It is just about every job seekers goal to find a job which matches their skillset and one that they can enjoy. All other jobs are called "work." Let's work with your skills and experience to find the path to your next job.

Click or Tap here to read more and to view our short videos on Getting Started as a Job Seeker.

Getting Started as an Employer

MnWorks.Net wants to help your HR department and every small business that doesn't have an HR department.

1 Register for your MnWorks.Net account.

Once you register we would like for you to browse our posted job seekers by industry category first.
Then, use a free formed search from the Job Seeker / Find Workers main page. A free form search is a word or set of words that describes the work you have available.
If you find a match you can send the person a contact message without becoming a paid member. You will be able to view your message and if it was read in your message center.
If you do not see any possible candidates then it would be best to post your job announcement. About one out of every one hundred job seekers actually create an online job seekers profile. We often see people sign up to view job announcement contact details. If you place your contact information in your job announcement many skill the sign up and go directly to you. In all cases it's your job announcement that attracted your job candidate.

2 Sign in and follow the "My Post" or "My Account" link.

"We make every effort to publish your job announcement so job seekers can find you."

When you are ready to publish your job announcement have your company logo, business and working environment pictures and even a short video ready to go online. We will publish your information in Twitter, Facebook and every search engine that passes within our demographics.
Please Publish only jobs that are available today or jobs that have a future starting date.

Getting Started as a Recruiter

It is very important to understand that all jobs posted must have a valid Purchase Order on your end. Simply posting jobs to collect resumes will not work. All jobs posted by recruiters will be validated. No recruiter will download resumes outside the industry category to which the job post has been made. This applies to both Military and Civilian recruiters.
Expired jobs, false posting or any job you have not received an order to fill will not be allowed. If you require resumes from people to bid on a job you must contact MnWorks and the candidate to receive permission to use our combined resources as part of your business and candidate portfolio.

1 Register for your MnWorks.Net account.

How to use MnWorks.Net as a visitor

Browse and search our pages. Be sure to compare our services with other major job boards as well as smaller job boards.
Our focus is on Job Seekers and Businesses that are hiring.

Best of all you can view our website from any internet connected device. Our Responsive Website Design resizes to fit your screen and your device.
No need to download an App when all you need is a web browser.

When you visit our About or Community pages you'll see our active counter. We are one of the very few online job boards that allows members to cancel their accounts once they are back working. We don't simply hide your account, it's deleted from our database and our servers. You can always recreate your account if you need our services again. Why should we say we have thousands of members when we only have hundreds of active members? It's simply not good practice to appear bigger than you really are. When you become a member you'll notice we do not keep expired resumes and job posts or inactive job seekers. Our system cleans house every 6 months so you don't have to compete with a resume posted 20 years ago. You only compete with active job seekers, try to do that at those big 5 million online resume sites. Our numbers are small because we work with real numbers not total members that have signed up over the last decade.